Hawaiian noodles, or how much does the consul's smile cost?

A few days ago, Azeri websites reported joyful news: on March 28, the Hawaii House Representatives of USA adopted a resolution that “supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and the recognition of the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the international community of Karabakh.” The news was forwarded with reference to the press service of the Consulate General of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles, and the resolution itself was reportedly solemnly handed to Consul General Nasimi Agaev. Shining face of Nasimi flaunted on all sites and was the only confirmation of the “authenticity” of the information transmitted by his office. Because there were no links to the website of the legislature of the state of Hawaii proving “adoption by the parliament” of the resolution. Yes, and it could not be for an elementary reason for its absence.

Since the beginning of the current year, the caviar diplomacy of Baku failed in four US states: one by one, anti-Armenian resolutions were rejected in the Hawaii House Representatives, South Dakota, Wyoming and Tennessee in February-March. Slaved over in Baku and submitted by the legislators, who were invited to Azerbaijan and showed excessive love for petrodollars, papers were removed in advance from the agenda because of the obvious failure, as happened in Hawaii, South Dakota and Tennessee, or rejected by a majority of votes as in Wyoming. Four such sensitive blows with an interval of literally one or two weeks were, in all likelihood, not only very painful for Azerbaijan, but also dangerous for the career of the ambassador of this country to the US E. Suleymanova and the Consul General in Los Angeles N. Agayeva and all this prompted the diplomats to resort to primitive lies and deceiving their gullible fellow tribesmen, issuing a “sensation” about the adoption of the resolution in Hawaii. And having backed her with photos of a triumphant consul and the most filthy letter with the signatures of several lawmakers.

Meanwhile, in order to catch the liers diplomats in deception, it is enough just to go to the website of the legislative body of Hawaii, where everything is set out very clearly and is accessible even for consumers of Azerpropov noodles. For example, if you follow this link (http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/gethearing.aspx?hearingdate=3/28/2014), it is easy to see that there was not even a hint of a hearing on the Azerbaijani resolution in the agenda of the House of Representatives on March 28. But on the agenda of February 12, there were the resolutions presented by the chairman of the Committee of Veterans on International Affairs, Culture and Education, Marco Takai and member of the House of Reed Kabanilla. As Asbarez newspaper reported, both of these figures visited Baku last May and then initiated two resolutions: HP13 on “recognizing the 22nd anniversary of the tragedy in Khojalu” and HR9 calling on the US administration “to make additional efforts in the political settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”. Needless to say that both documents are not only full of anti-Armenian rhetoric, but also grossly distort the realities of the conflict.

On February 12 when the projects of the resolutions were added on the agenda of the hearings, both documents were rejected, which is also easy to verify by following the links http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HR&billnumber=13&year= 2014 and http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HR&billnumber=9&year=2014. There are simply no other references to Azerbaijan on the website of the legislative body of Hawaii, including the allegedly adopted resolution on March 28. A snapshot of the document, signed by legislators, is nothing more than a certificate signed by several members of the State House of Representatives.

According to the regulations of the US legislature, this document is not included in the agenda for voting and is not even included in the protocol of the meeting, being only a personal initiative of individual legislators. Such papers can be taken at least a dozen a year, bribing in each state for 3-4 members of the Chamber, and then solemnly show the tribesmen the fruits of “effective” work of the embassy and the consulate general. Most likely, the adoption of such certificates is all that the Baku caviar diplomacy is capable of today, capitulating before the joint efforts of Armenian lobbying organizations, the embassy of the RA and the representation of the NKR in the United States. And in order to justify the embezzlement of millions of petrodollars, Suleymanov and Agayev are forced to resort to undisguised lies, crumbling with smiles in front of the camera in the hope that the self-satisfied physician of the consul general is able to replace references to a reliable source.

Wit all this, the positive aspect of Baku’s activity in the legislative bodies of the American states should be also noticed. Initiated by the bribed legislators, the resolutions become a reason for opposition of Armenian lobbyists and rank-and-file members of the Armenian community in each particular state. The author of these lines personally witnessed how in Tennessee, dozens of Armenians – former refugees from Baku, who were not previously active in the political life of the state, together with the ANCA representatives fought against the adoption of the anti-Armenian resolution and forced its author to remove the document from the agenda before voting. No less-and perhaps more-important is the fact that the discussions on draft resolutions allow the Armenian side to present the true facts and realities about the events of both the recent past and nowdays. It is enough to get acquainted with the protocol of hearings around the rejected resolution on “Khojaly” events in the same state of Hawaii, to be convinced of this.

Meanwhile, the embassy of Azerbaijan has swung on New Jersey, where the positions of Armenian lobbyists are traditionally very strong. The next draft of the anti-Armenian resolution was submitted to the House of Representatives of this state (as well as in Missouri). We can assume that the Azerbaijanis want to take advantage of the concentration of Armenian organizations on the events in Kessab, but even in this situation, the representatives of caviar diplomacy, according to observers, have little chance of success. However, from now on, Mammadyarov’s subordinates always have in stock a variant of the certificate signed by several corrupt legislators, which as a last resort can be presented as resolution, especially if we add to it the forced smile of the poor consul of the Consul.
