Caviar diplomacy: From Valencia to Azerbaijan

Today I want to present to readers a rather unusual article. It describes how one research center sent a request for the resignation of the Spaniard Pedro Agramunt, a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and a senator from the ” People’s Party”, representing the autonomous region of Valencia.

So, the request was sent to the well-known independent analytical center of the European Stability Initiative (ESI), which has offices in Berlin, Brussels and Istanbul. Since 1999 this center studies processes of formation of democracy in the Balkans, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet areas. ESI was established in 1999 in Sarajevo, when eight young people with extensive experience in international and human rights organizations decided to establish an analytical and research center.

I would not like to comment on the heavy charges brought by ESI against Senator Agramunt, who, of course, has the presumption of innocence, but I’ve been familiar with the activities of ESI and its leaders, especially its director Gerald Knaus for many years. I had the best opinion About him because of his desire for an open Europe, democracy, human rights and minority rights. Knaus is well-versed in civil society issues, he knows human rights organizations, human rights activists and oppositionists in almost all countries of the Balkan Peninsula, the Caucasus and Central Asia. In this regard, it seems to me that their accusations should be taken seriously and studied, since they come from people who enjoy great confidence.

So what exactly ESI is accusing Senator Agramunt? In order to make a complete presentation, it is better to read the following two reports: “Caviar diplomacy, or how Azerbaijan silenced the Council of Europe” (La diplomacia del caviar: cómo Azerbaiyán silenció al Consejo de Europa), presented in May 2012 and “Portrait of deceit: how Azerbaijan was monitored, or why Agramunt should leave his post “(Un retrato del engaño: monitorizando a Azerbayán o por qué Pedro Agramunt debe dimitir), presented in January 22, 2013. Speaking about the main thing, because the report is full of details, ESI points out that Senator Agramunt, being the speaker on democracy and human rights in Azerbaijan, who was supposed to inform the European public about the voice of the Azerbaijani opposition, instead he became one of the main Lobbyists of the Aliyev regime in Europe.

Reminding that all international organizations consider Azerbaijan, whose population is nine million people, not free country. After gaining independence the country was led by Heydar Aliyev. When Aliyev died, this post was taken by his son Ilham Aliyev, who won elections in 2003 with “absolutely unquestioned” 88.73% of the vote. When his second presidential term came to an end, in March 2009 Aliev, Jr. convened a referendum on amending the Constitution, during which 92% of voters stated that they were happy to revise the Constitution so that Ilham Aliyev would remain in power as much as he wants. To be convinced how badly the civil and political freedoms are in this country, it is enough to get acquainted with the relevant reports of human rights organizations Amnistía Internacional, Freedom House and Human Rights Watch. By the way, the OSCE noted that the last elections were not free.

ESI accuses Agramunt of manipulating observers’ reports from places, ignoring civil rights violations, constantly supporting the regime, inventing fables about some kind of “progress in democracy”, justifying repressions with references to the Islamist threat. And, eventually, in lobbying the interests of the Aliyev regime, which manifested itself in blocking sanctions against Azerbaijan.

Not so much Spaniards hold responsible positions in the international organizations, not many are also charged with monitoring the observance of democracy and human rights in other countries. That is why their actions must be absolutely flawless.

